What about Chi Tau am I thankful for? Had it not been for Meri bringing me here, after having sat in my lap the night before, and then talking, (and more) for most of the night…I would never have become a DJ. I had, for some time, been interested in doing it, but never had … [ Continue Reading ]
What am I thankful for in Chi Tau
Boobs! Lots and lots of boobs! Okay, just kidding. At least a little. I like boobs. Who doesn’t? Boobs are fun! But I digress. In all seriousness, what I am most thankful for, is the sense of community that we have here. I haven’t felt that I am a part of something in forever! And … [ Continue Reading ]
Remembrance and Thanks
This month marks my fourth year in Chi Tau. That this is a month of remembrance and thankfulness is entirely apropos, because there is much for me to remember and for which I am thankful. I’ve been in Second Life a long time, and for pretty much all that time I’ve been sexually active in … [ Continue Reading ]
Wove, Twue Wove, that dweam wivin a dweam
I am thankful every day for the family and opportunities Chi Tau has given to me. Every day there is someone to help in some way, something that needs doing. The faith and trust that has been given me astounds me. People tell me I work too hard or do not take enough time for … [ Continue Reading ]
A Time Of Reflection And Thanks
So, it would appear that it’s my turn to look back, look around and look forward at what I’m most thankful for during this wonderful season. This is probably going to get a little wordy. You have been warned. 🙂 As I approach my own fourth year in Chi Tau, I have to look back … [ Continue Reading ]
Mia’s thankful post about the city
Hello and good day (or night) everyone. I am sure a lot of you have noticed us saying what we are thankful for with the city. I had kept hearing about this place from a friend and at first had hesitated to come but eventually decided to give it a shot before I left SL…yes, … [ Continue Reading ]
Star Light, Star Bright
For almost my entire time in Second Life, I have had a place of my own. I started with a small home on a 512m parcel. From there, I slowly increased the size of my home and my land. As my home became larger, I started having ideas of wanting that home to be open … [ Continue Reading ]
ancilla’s giving of thanks
Trasee asked us all (the management) to write about what we are thankful for in Chi Tau. I struggled with this at first, until i realized my answer is actually fairly easy. You see, i came up with the concept for Chi Tau Sorority back in 2017. In the beginning i spend a lot of … [ Continue Reading ]
A Thankful Vortex
Happy November, everyone. I’m here to post things about Chi Tau that I’m thankful for, of which there happens to be plenty. This month marks my two years in Chi Tau. When I joined, Chi Tau was one sim with multiple levels to explore. There was a lot of things to enjoy in such a … [ Continue Reading ]