Happy November, everyone. I’m here to post things about Chi Tau that I’m thankful for, of which there happens to be plenty.
This month marks my two years in Chi Tau. When I joined, Chi Tau was one sim with multiple levels to explore. There was a lot of things to enjoy in such a tiny space. Since then, I’ve gotten to see Chi Tau go from one sim to two on March 1, 2021. Then two sims to three, three sims to four, and now to five sims. I am so very glad that I got to be a part of the growth of this city, and that I’ve been able to enjoy such kindness of the Triumvirate, as well as their support.
I’m also thankful for the family that I’ve found here. I don’t just mean my friends, but also the family I now have. Two lovely daughters, and an entire litter of grandkids that I adore; I just wish I had more time to see all of them.
I am also extremely lucky to have found my loving husband and Daddy, Mephistophelez Vortex, while in Chi Tau. He has helped me in so many ways, from helping me learn to control emotions to providing emotional support when I need it the most.
I look forward to another two years in this lovely city, and to seeing it grow even more with each and every one of you.