I’m here to bring good news about the suburb parcel rentals on the Residential region. If you were at the Admin Round Table today, you’ve already heard the news. As of today, the residential region sim count was upped from 20,000LI to 30,000LI. That means all the parcels have approximately 50% more LI to use … [ Continue Reading ]
Articles By Trasee Darkwatch
Star Light, Star Bright
For almost my entire time in Second Life, I have had a place of my own. I started with a small home on a 512m parcel. From there, I slowly increased the size of my home and my land. As my home became larger, I started having ideas of wanting that home to be open … [ Continue Reading ]
The Wedding of Trasee and Star – Saturday, November 12, 2022 at Stray Cat Lounge
Yes, today was the day that I married my Lucky Star. Chi Tau City is an adult RP city, but that doesn’t mean we’re only about the sex. We’re a community. We’re a family. While people don’t (and shouldn’t) come to the city looking for someone to marry, it does happen. It happened for me … [ Continue Reading ]
Role Playing Styles in Chi Tau City
Role Playing (RP). Two simple words with a simple abbreviation. With these two simple words comes an array of different meanings to different people. Merrian-Webster defines it very simply as “To act out the role of” or “To represent in action.” When used as a verb, it is “to play a role.” So, if, at … [ Continue Reading ]
Help! Meri Has Shut Down my RP Idea! I Can’t RP Here! She Micromanages the RP.
We hear that statement quite frequently and one that often goes around the rumor mills. The problem with that statement is, 99% of the time, it is a complete misrepresentation of the situation. Most of the time, the person making that statement had some grand idea that completely disregarded Meri’s advice on how to get … [ Continue Reading ]
Sorority and Fraternity Grade Pages Updated
Thanks to the hard work of Lora Swords, we have a new and improved method of getting the updated user names and profile pictures from Second Life. Our Sorority pages, with the girls listed by grade, was painfully slow in loading, but is now extremely fast. That was the last area of slowness on the … [ Continue Reading ]
New Event Calendar
Hey everyone! I’ve still been making changes and improvements to the blog. The latest change was to our Event Calendar. Our calendar is a functional calendar instead of just a view of upcoming events. It is reading the data from our Google Calendar and displaying it in Pacific Time, which, of course, is Second Life … [ Continue Reading ]
Fraternity Accomplishments Updated
It’s been a busy month since rolling out the new Fraternity and City paths and advancements. When we rolled out the new changes, we started with what we had, but what we had was not enough for our Fraternity Members to fully advance in the Fraternity. In addition, some of the accomplishments were more geared … [ Continue Reading ]
Blog Optimization
It was not just you. Our blog was incredibly slow. I spent all evening optimizing the blog as much as I could, removing old plugins, deleting unused data, adding optimization plugins. I’m happy to say that we’ve seen a significant improvement in the site speed and responsiveness. At the same time, though, you might have … [ Continue Reading ]
Events, Parties and Achievements
Once upon a time, only the Sorority had Achievements and Requirements in order to advance in grades. Later, the Fraternity had Achievements followed by Accomplishments in order to join the Fraternity. Today, the Fraternity has Accomplishments to advance in grades and the City has Activities in order to move up from Tourist eventually reaching Citizen. … [ Continue Reading ]