Alley Cat Host
“Host” is a gender neutral term that is used to describe both hosts and hostesses at Stray Cat. A host is someone who is assigned a single two hour set. A host may only host one set a week.
Requirements of an Alley Cat Host
- Must be a Sophomore or Denizen.
- Must have been a Kitty Cat Host at least three months.
Responsibilities of an Alley Cat Host
- Must greet and involve guests. We want our guests, especially new visitors, to feel welcomed.
- Must interact with the gathered audience. Requires watching local chat as closely as possible to try to keep people involved.
- Must send appropriate announcements and notices to the group, and watch the group to answer questions related to the event.
- Bring attention to dancers, the DJ, the voting board, and the dance machine.
- Direct non-dancers to start dancing or move to the sides.
- Unlike parties, hosts don’t try to “hook people up.” While it can be done with care, realize that not everyone comes to the club to be “hooked up” and that could scare people away.
- We don’t push for showing “Linden love.” If someone asks where a tip jar is, hosts let them know, but unlike other clubs, we don’t “beg for tips.”
- This is not a performance role, like it is for dancers, it requires a lot of interaction with the guests to keep the conversations flowing naturally. This could include things like trivia games and other ideas to keep things from getting quiet.
- Must be in communication with the DJ and Dancer(s) assigned to the same set and coordinate the events with them.
Removal of an Alley Cat Host
- Alley Cat Hosts are required to commit to one set a week. If they regularly fail to show up, show up late or leave early, they run the risk of removal. Always contact a Student Union Member or Admin as well as the DJ. We understand RL comes first and we will account for that, we only ask for communication.
Kitty Cat Host
“Host” is a gender neutral term that is used to describe both hosts and hostesses at Stray Cat. A substitute host is someone who can “take over” when regularly assigned host cannot do their set due to RL. It is also considered a type of “training” role.
Requirements of a Kitty Cat Host
- Must be a Sophomore or Denizen.
- Must attend Hosting Training class.
Responsibilities of a Kitty Cat Host
- Must greet and involve guests. We want our guests, especially new visitors, to feel welcomed.
- Must interact with the gathered audience. Requires watching local chat as closely as possible to try to keep people involved.
- Must send appropriate announcements and notices to the group, and watch the group to answer questions related to the event.
- Bring attention to dancers, the DJ, the voting board, and the dance machine.
- Direct non-dancers to start dancing or move to the sides.
- Unlike parties, hosts don’t try to “hook people up.” While it can be done with care, realize that not everyone comes to the club to be “hooked up” and that could scare people away.
- We don’t push for showing “Linden love.” If someone asks where a tip jar is, hosts let them know, but unlike other clubs, we don’t “beg for tips.”
- This is not a performance role, like it is for dancers, it requires a lot of interaction with the guests to keep the conversations flowing naturally. This could include things like trivia games and other ideas to keep things from getting quiet.
Removal of a Kitty Cat Host
- As the role is partially a training role, if the training doesn’t work out, they could be removed.
- If, after some time, the Kitty Cat Host has not been able to substitute in any event, even when events are needing help, there is a chance a Kitty Cat Host could be removed.