Pussy Cat Dancer
A Pussy Cat Dancer is a dancer who is assigned to a regular two hour set with a DJ and a Host. There can be no more than two Pussy Cat Dancers assigned to any given set. The Pussy Cat Dancer is part of the team with the DJ and Host, and needs to be in regular communication with them both.
Requirements of a Pussy Cat Dancer
- Must have been a Kitty Cat Dancer for at least three months, and have been consistent about their commitment to their desired set.
- Must be a Freshman or a Local.
- May be any gender or orientation.
Responsibilities of a Pussy Cat Dancer
- This is a sexual role as well as a dancing role. While it isn’t a hard requirement for the dancer to have sex, it is strongly encouraged.
- This is very much a performance role, so dancers must be emoting. Even if they don’t want to have sex, they must be posting erotically.
- The dancers must be interacting with the guests. Even if they don’t want sex, they must be involving the guests.
- Pussy Cat Dancers also should help “mentor” Kitty Cat Dancers where possible. If the Kitty Cat Dancer is looking to be a Pussy Cat Dancer at the same event, they can work together. Pussy Cat Dancers can also help Kitty Cat Dancers at Stray Cat Bar events.
Removal of a Pussy Cat Dancer
- Pussy Cat Dancers are required to commit to one set a week, with a set Host and DJ. No more than two per set. If they regularly fail to show up, show up late or leave early, they run the risk of removal. Always try to coordinate with the Host, DJ, or contact a Student Union or Admin if you know you won’t be available. We understand RL comes first and we will account for that, we only ask that you communicate.
Note regarding two dancers per set
- There can only be two dancers per set. Those two may be Pussy Cat Dancers assigned to the set. If not, other Dancers can fill in to make two.
Kitty Cat Dancer
A Kitty Cat Dancer is a dancer “in training.” They don’t have an assigned set to dance at, and are allowed to dance at an event if there are no existing dancers taking the spot.
Requirements of a Kitty Cat Dancer
- Must be a Freshman or a Local.
- Must attend a dancer training class.
- May be any gender or orientation.
Responsibilities of a Kitty Cat Dancer
- This is a sexual role as well as a dancing role. While it isn’t a hard requirement for the dancer to have sex, it is strongly encouraged.
- This is very much a performance role, so dancers must be emoting. Even if they don’t want to have sex, they must be posting erotically.
- The dancers must be interacting with the guests. Even if they don’t want sex, they must be involving the guests.
Removal of a Kitty Cat Dancer
- This is a “training” position for those who wish to become full-time dancers. If the training doesn’t work out, they could be removed.
- They should be regularly finding ways to dance at events. If the set already has two dancers, they should look to other sets, or dancing in the Stray Cat bar outside of events.
Note about the Stray Cat Bar
- Dancing at the Stray Cat Bar is not necessarily a scheduled event. While there could be an event someone starts at the bar, it does not require an event. Unlike Stray Cat Events, which don’t count for party credits, if set up properly, it is possible for a Stray Cat Bar event to qualify for party credits, as a city party event. If there are questions, Meri or other admins can help determine how events can qualify for party credits.